<BGSOUND SRC="ceuta.mid">


After this experience in August 1988 EA3BB and his brother EA3DXU organized an other DX EME Expedition from Andorra with the Special Call C3URA with the presence of: I5WBE, C31LD, C31VQ, EA3AW, EA3BB, EA3AQJ, EA3AEN, EA3AYX, EA3BTZ, EA3DXU, EA3EHQ and the support of EA3WZ, EA3XU, EA3AVM, EA3AWD, EA3BKZ, EB3CVL, EB3CNX and EB3CXT. C3URA worked on 144 MHz. EME 78 QSOs - 61 Different Stations - 56 QSOs on Random - 4 Continent - 6 Continent listened.

Rig: VHF - 4x24 el. 5WL - Rx- MGF1302 - Converter - Drake TR7 - P.A. 2x4C250B 900 W
  • UHF - 4x38 el. M2 13 WL - MGF 1302 - Converter - Kenwood TS690 - Icom IC 475H P.A. GS23B Output 900 W
  • SHF - 3'1 Mts Dish F/D 0'41 - Rx - FX006 - Icom IC1271- P.A. 2C39 + TH327 500 W

    What will be the next EME Expedition ?